enabling data ecosystems

We help create collaborative relationships for public authorities and companies that share data.


What we do?

We help you unlock the value of data sharing by designing and implementing sustainable data ecosystems. Our holistic approach addresses the legal, technical, and business aspects of data sharing in 3 simple ways:

Rapid prototyping

We help you test your data sharing ideas with a sandbox data space. It can be used to test your data ecosystem ideas and to convince your stakeholders to join your data ecosystem in a concrete purpose. Accelerate your data ecosystem journey and start learning by doing today.

Navigating the complexities of governance and ethics requires a tailored approach. We understand that one size does not fit all. Our Strategic Blueprints service is dedicated to crafting governance and ethical frameworks that align seamlessly with your unique requirements.

We base our solutions on principles and frameworks that are widely accepted and used by the industry. We are members of GAIA-X, alumni of Executive Program for Data Stewardship from the GovLab (New York University), and scholars of Elinor Ostrom's work.

Top Frequently Asked Questions

Top Frequently Asked Questions

Beyond Civic designs, engineers and implements sustainable solutions for data-driven collaboration for public authorities and companies.

Truly complex problems in society can only be solved through collaboration, in particular collaboration on data. Most organizations need support to establish data collaboration with their partners.

Growing national and regional regulations have tighter control on data location and usage, which means data collaborators must be extra careful before joining any data sharing initiative.

Defines the thematic and/or spatial system boundaries of current and future stakeholders.

Comprises data from one or more thematic and purpose-oriented domains/areas.